
Huangshi jiufeng intelligent electrical mechanical Co., Ltd.
Search: High voltage cabinet, low voltage cabinet
Address: Huangshi City magnetic Lake Road No. 162
Fax: +86-714-6356413
High-Voltage Switchgears Equipment
Low-Voltage Switchgears Equipment

Low-Voltage Switchgears Equipment

GGD AC low-voltage distribution cabinet is applicable to power plants, substations, industrial and mining enterprises and other power users of AC 50HZ, rated voltage 380V, rated current up to 315OA of power distribution system, as power, lighting and power distribution equipment and electrical energy conversion, distribution and control purposes.

GGD AC low-voltage distribution cabinet is based on the higher charge of the Department of energy and general electric power users and the requirements of the design department. In the light of the new low voltage power distribution cabinet design principle of security, economy, reasonable and reliable. Products with high breaking capacity, good thermal stability, electrical scheme is flexible, convenient combination, series resistance, strong practicability, novel structure, protection degree higher characteristic. Can be used as a replacement of low voltage switchgear products using.

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