
Huangshi jiufeng intelligent electrical mechanical Co., Ltd.
Search: High voltage cabinet, low voltage cabinet
Address: Huangshi City magnetic Lake Road No. 162
Fax: +86-714-6356413
High-Voltage Switchgears Equipment
Low-Voltage Switchgears Equipment

Low-Voltage Switchgears Equipment

The device is applicable to power plants, petrochemical, chemical, metallurgy, textile, power distribution system in high rise building industry. In automatic degree of power plants, petrochemical system high, requirements and computer interface of the place, as the three-phase AC frequency of 50 (60) HZ, rated voltage of 380V (400), (600), rated current is 4000A and below the hair, power supply system in the distribution, centralized control, electric machine reactive power compensation of low voltage power distribution equipment used.

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