
Huangshi jiufeng intelligent electrical mechanical Co., Ltd.
Search: High voltage cabinet, low voltage cabinet
Address: Huangshi City magnetic Lake Road No. 162
Fax: +86-714-6356413
Low-Voltage Switchgears Equipment
Low-Voltage Switchgears Equipment

Low-Voltage Switchgears Equipment

This series of low-voltage drawer type switch cabinet is applicable to power plants, substations, petrochemical, metallurgical steel, paper, textile and light industry etc. through the resources of industrial enterprises and residential areas, high-rise buildings and other places, as the exchange of 50-60Hz, rated voltage, power distribution equipment of power system 660V and below the power conversion, distribution and control use.

This device complies with GB7251.1, "low voltage switchgear" and JB/T9961 "low voltage withdrawable switchgear" national professional standards, and conform to the international standards of IEC439-1, VDE0660 fifth part etc..

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